Date: February 22, 2022
A national classroom online resource was released today which will give students and teachers across Canada the opportunity to dig deeper into the virtual farm tours available at FarmFood360.ca.
The FarmFood360° virtual reality farm tours allow Canadians to tour real, working farms and food processing facilities on tablets and desktop computers, as well as through mobile phones and VR (Virtual Reality) devices. These tours are a natural fit for thousands of teachers and students for use in online learning and for agricultural organizations seeking to connect with consumers.
The online resource that now accompanies the FarmFood360° VR tours was produced by Agriculture in the Classroom Canada, working in collaboration with Farm & Food Care. There are activities for all 21 tours – each encouraging students to watch the videos and take a virtual tour and then answer questions about what they saw. The new resource will be distributed digitally to classrooms across Canada through Agriculture in the Classroom.
The tours, as well as the educator guides, are currently available online at www.FarmFood360.ca and www.aitc-canada.ca. This is the second partnership between the groups. In 2021, AITC produced an educator resource to accompany the award-winning publication, The Real Dirt on Farming available at www.RealDirtonFarming.ca