March is Agriculture Literacy Month. What a great time to learn more about how cattle are raised in Canada!
And TEACHERS, you can follow along with the classroom viewing guide developed by Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan.
Over the past year and a bit, Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan has been working with Erika Stewart, a rancher from Morse, Saskatchewan, to produce an online series called ‘A Year in the Life on Pine Ranch’ that is shared on Canadian Food Focus. Each month, Erika shares a behind-the-scenes look at ranching life, posting videos that help explain things like weaning, calving, vaccination…even how ranchers use ear tags and set up solar-powered water troughs.
Watch our Life at Pine Ranch video series to learn more.
The six-minute video below summarizes a year on Pine Ranch and gives an idea of the kinds of things you’ll see in the video series. Download the accompanying Viewing Guide with student questions and additional resources to help your kid’s class enjoy their virtual visit to Pine Ranch.
Download Classroom Viewing Guide
Your Host: Erika is a third-generation rancher and also the coordinator for the Verified Beef Production+ program in Saskatchewan. “I love this life and this industry,” Erika says. “I’m very passionate about it and I want to share this, give some insight into our lives as ranchers and hopefully answer questions about what actually happens on a cattle ranch in western Canada.”