By Clinton Monchuk
In March I had the privilege of testifying before the Senate Agriculture and Forestry Committee regarding Bill S-227, the establishment of a Food Day in Canada. This day was originally spearheaded by Ms. Anita Stewart in response to the devastation caused by BSE in 2003. Ms. Stewart recognized the difficult situation beef farmers and ranchers were facing and suggested the idea of a country wide beef BBQ in support of Canadian cattle. This grew leaps and bounds over the years and was strongly supported by Senator Rob Black who wrote the legislation.
Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan has always been a proud supporter of Food Day in Canada, which is held the first Saturday of August. Together with numerous levels of governments, chefs, dietitians, restaurants and other agriculture amplifiers we promote Canadian food and food ingredients grown right here at home. Although Ms. Stewart passed away in November of 2020 her legacy is living on and we’re proud to keep the discussion and engagement about Canadian food going into the future.