On April 11, 2024, two staff members of Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan attended the Farm & Food Care Ontario Annual General Meeting and Annual Conference at the GrandWay Events Centre in Elora.
Participants joined from across the province to listen to three speakers.
Chris Koch, a farmer and motivational speaker with an inspiring message entitled, “If I Can..” Koch doesn’t let limitations or obstacles stand in his way. Despite being born without arms and legs, Koch grew up like any other small-town kid — playing road hockey, causing mischief at school, and helping out on his family farm. Neither he nor his family treated his disability like a tragedy, and instead used it to fuel his dreams. Today, Koch is an active farmer and motivational speaker who inspires his audiences to continually challenge themselves and build the life they dream of.
Graham Taylor, a Professor and Canada Research Chair in Machine Learning at the University of Guelph, leads research focused on deep learning and its ethical implications. Graham’s work involves studying ethical concerns in artificial intelligence, building responsible systems, and applying AI advancements to societal issues. Graham discussed key risks associated with machine learning models, including misinformation and the urgency of ethical considerations in AI development.
Dr. Cami Ryan, a social and behavioural sciences lead at Bayer Crop Science with over 25 years of experience in agriculture and ag sciences. In her role with Regulatory Scientific Affairs (RSA), she strengthens relationships and engages with social, behavioural, and political scientists. Leveraging her extensive scientific network, Cami examines policy, regulations, consumer behaviour, and public acceptance of agricultural innovations globally.
In addition to speaking at the Farm & Food Care Ontario conference, Dr. Cami Ryan and Connie Diekman addressed the challenges posed by misinformation and disinformation in a joint webinar from Farm & Food Care Ontario and Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan on March 21, 2024. The session was tailored for nutrition practitioners, clinician scientists, researchers, communicators, educators, and food experts keen on enhancing their understanding and practice in an era inundated with information.
Communication and collaboration around public trust issues are key to the success of Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan. The opportunity to collaborate with Farm & Food Care Ontario and like-minded industry leaders sets a strong foundation that further supports public trust in agriculture. We’re so pleased to have had the opportunity to take part in this conference with our Ontario colleagues!