Planting and Growing wheat
There are several different kinds of wheat grown in Canada, including Canada Western Red Spring, Canada Prairie Spring Red, and Canada Western Red Winter.
Before being placed in the ground, the wheat seeds may be coated with a seed treatment to protect them from pests like insects and diseases and to encourage sprouting.
Harvesting wheat
Approximately 90-100 days after seeding, the wheat will be ready to harvest.
The farmer monitors the crop for maturity and moisture content (no more than 13% seed moisture content) and will use a moisture meter to know if the crop is ready to be harvested with a combine.
A combine is the machine that is used to harvest the wheat seeds. Harvesting wheat is very dependent on the weather, because weather can impact the quality of the wheat. Too much wind, rain or cold weather can damage the crop.
Once harvested in the combine, the wheat is transported in grain trucks to large storage bins. Farmers take samples of the wheat crop and record the moisture content and quality of the wheat. This is important information for the farmer to have when it comes to selling the crop.
Visit a Grain Farm
Sources: FarmFood360