Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan works to build trust in food production in our province and beyond. Read on for more details about the work we’re doing to engage with consumers and industry.
Farm Tours Provide Opportunities For Connection And Learning
In July, Canadian Food Focus hosted a two-and-a-half day mission for a group of food influencers from across Canada.
Short videos help consumers relate to farm life
Canadian Food Focus, the national consumer engagement program administered by FFC SK, is currently working on a series of reels that will help non-farming consumers relate to farmers and life on the farm.
FFC SK commissioned study on work to build trust with consumers
In January and February 2024, Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan worked with Environics Research, a national research company to conduct a survey of stakeholders.
Farm & Food Care communication and collaboration
Communication and collaboration around public trust issues are key to the success of Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan.
New Group Will Improve Sharing of Important Ag Research
Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan is very pleased to partner with Dr. Stuart Smyth and his team at the University of Saskatchewan, working on a new project within the Agri-Food Innovation and Sustainability Enhancement Chair.
Are you the Nick Taylor farmer fan?
An editor from reached out to Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan, looking for our help to identify a farmer fan who spoke to Nick Taylor at the Synergy 8 tournament and dinner last August.
It’s All About Connection
As a group that represents all of agriculture, FFC SK can play a key role to connect people and organizations, to flag possible collaborations where possible and to serve as a general ambassador for agriculture as a whole.
Engagement Today Pays Dividends in the Future
Trust in agriculture will be built one conversation at a time and Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan is committed to having these conversations.
Registration Now Open For Saskatchewan Open Farm Days
Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan is excited to announce the launch of the inaugural Saskatchewan Open Farm Days. Registrations are now open for farms and businesses to participate.
Communication Strategies in a Skeptical World
Lauren Sergy spoke at FFC SK’s annual conference on February 8. She says cultivating trust with consumers takes time, attention, and effort, but the benefits are enormous. Three principles especially useful are empathy, disinterest, and collaboration.
Shawn Colborn is the 2023 Farm & Food Care Champion
Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan is proud to award Shawn Colborn as our Champion for 2023
Cultivating Trust 2024: Assessing the Opportunities
This year’s conference is about assessing opportunities for our industry and collaborating with others to meet the future.